
最你.S. students will 不 need to take a placement test at 皇冠博彩. 相反,他们应该访问 直接注册和自我安置 网站,了解更多有关新安置措施的资料,并填写意见调查. 这项调查将有助于确定他们应该从哪些大学水平的数学和英语课程开始.


皇冠博彩使用ESL Accuplacer. 此评估包括以下部分,应在两小时内完成:

  1. 阅读技巧:阅读和理解文章中明确陈述的信息,以及推断文章中没有直接陈述的信息.
  2. 句子意义:利用上下文线索,阅读和理解一、两句语境中的单词和短语.
  3. 语言 Use: identify and apply 英语 语法, 使用, and punctuation to a range of 英语 sentence structures on a variety of topics.
  4. 论文写作(取决于计算机分数):对一个开放问题写一个回答

Who needs to take the ESL Placement Assessment?

  1. Students who did 不 complete high school in the United States, 母语不是英语的人, and who do 不 have TOEFL/雅思考试/ACT/SAT/Duolingo test scores.
  2. 主要语言不是英语且没有托福网考的国际皇冠体育(F/M/J), 雅思考试, or Duolingo-Academic test scores from 2018 or later. International students should work with their International Student Advisor.
    1. 托福网考写作、阅读、听力、口语四项成绩均在19分以下.
    2. 雅思-学术成绩6分以下.5 in each of the four sections: Writing, Reading, Listening, and Speaking.
    3. 多邻国考试成绩低于80分.
  3. Students who completed high school in the United States, for whom 英语 is 不 a primary language should contact the ESL department (ESL@imtiazqazi.com) to speak with an ESL advisor about placement options.


  • 首先,完成在线皇冠博彩应用程序. Then visit the Testing Center on campus to take the ESL placement assessment. Appointments are recommended but 不 required. Find locations and hours for the 考试中心 here: 新测试 中心.
  • 在你能做到最好的时候参加分班评估是很重要的,因为你不能马上再参加一次.
  • 您可以向考试中心发送电子邮件,询问如何参加ESL分班评估: 皇冠博彩Testing@imtiazqazi.com

How do I get my results for the ESL Placement Assessment?

  • You will receive your assessment result by email.
  • 结果将在一年后失效.
  • 联系ESL部门 关于您的分班和班级注册信息或任何其他后续问题.
  • Each ESL class will have a diagnostic (pre-test) on the first day of class. Your placement may need to be adjusted based on the results.

How can I prepare for the ESL Placement Assessment?

You may use any online resources to review or check out the links below.

更新已经作出了先决条件的生物141,人体解剖学和生理学I. 报名参加生物141,皇冠体育必须证明掌握化学,细胞生物学和遗传. Achieve this requirement through one of three options:

  • 选项1:完成生物101
    Complete BIO 101, General Biology I, with a grade of C or higher. 这个推荐的选项是可转移的,并且满足科学与实验室的要求.

  • Option 2: NAS 2, Foundations of Life Sciences
    以及格成绩完成NAS 2. 这个选择适合不打算转学到四年制大学的皇冠体育或不需要将生物101作为课程要求的皇冠体育.

  • 选项3:NAS 2(生物141)安置考试
    皇冠博彩测试中心参加NAS 2 (bio141)分班考试,目标是75%或更高的成绩. 这个选项, allowing a maximum of two attempts per semester, is ideal for students with prior biology and chemistry knowledge.

To enroll in the NAS 2 self-paced course in Canvas, 点击这里. Review course objectives to assess your understanding of the material, utilizing course materials for exam preparation. When ready, schedule an appointment with a 新测试 Center to take the exam.

确保你从正确的语言学习水平开始,对于建立坚实的基础和向熟练程度发展至关重要. 皇冠博彩 offers remote placement tests for various languages, 包括阿拉伯语, 中国人, 法国, 德国, 日本, 和俄罗斯.

  • 阿拉伯语分班考试:
    参加与你的水平和知识接近的考试是你的责任. 联系 皇冠博彩testing@imtiazqazi.com 来申请你的分班考试.
  • 中国人, 法国, 德国, and 日本 位置测试:
    These adaptive, timed tests in Canvas consist of multiple sections. 联系  皇冠博彩testing@imtiazqazi.com 来申请你的分班考试. You must pass each section with an acceptable score to progress to the next.
  • 俄语分班考试:
    This timed Canvas test includes four language tasks and may take up to 2 hours. 要求通过俄语分班考试 皇冠博彩testing@imtiazqazi.com.
  • 西班牙语分班考试:
    西班牙语 Placement Test must be taken in person. The test is adaptive and each section is timed. You must pass each section with an acceptable score to progress to the next. 要求通过西班牙语分班考试 皇冠博彩testing@imtiazqazi.com.

For in-person tests and other services, visit the 皇冠博彩 考试中心.

豁免 外语要求:皇冠体育精通一门非皇冠博彩提供或通过考试的外语,可以要求豁免. 一般来说,如果皇冠体育至少具有同等的高中文凭,从主要语言不是英语的机构表明熟练程度. 豁免学分是指那些通常需要的课程学分,这些学分是行政豁免的. 减免学分要求选择额外的通识教育学分课程,以补偿为满足学位要求而减免的学分. 此豁免是通过皇冠体育发送外国成绩单副本以及使用AsktheCRO@nvcc向学院记录办公室发送豁免请求的电子邮件来完成的.Edu邮箱地址. 


  • 皇冠体育必须在参加分班考试之前完成皇冠博彩大学的学分课程申请.
  • 参加分班考试时,您必须携带当前带照片的身份证件,并知道您的皇冠博彩皇冠体育证号码.
    • 例子:驾照, 军事ID, 护照, 车管所签发的个人身份证, 皇冠博彩Card Photo ID or Permanent Resident Card (Green Card).
    • 登录 my皇冠博彩 site to find your Student ID number (EmplID)


If you need a copy of your placement results, please contact 皇冠博彩testing@imtiazqazi.com


VPT英语是一种适应性英语, 计算机化的, 不计时的测试, although this test may take up to three hours to complete. We recommend that students 不 take VPT 英语 and VPT Math on the same day.

VPT英语包括两个部分——写作和阅读40道选择题. The multiple-choice portion contains questions on a variety of topics including, 但不限于, 阅读理解, 语法, 词汇和研究技能.


没有完成高中或GED的皇冠体育必须参加英语VPT或主要语言不是英语的皇冠体育的多语言学习者英语安置. 只有特定人群中的一些皇冠体育, 例如使用VA或TA福利的皇冠体育或没有其他安置措施的双招生皇冠体育, 需要参加VPT英语考试吗. VPT英语分班考试必须在皇冠博彩的一个测试中心进行.



VPT数学是适应性的, 计算机化的, 不计时的测试, although this test may take up to three hours to complete. We recommend that students 不 take VPT Math and VPT 英语 on the same day.

  • VPT数学包含自由回答、匹配、选择题、对/错等问题.
  • The only calculator you may use is the one within the test program. No personal calculators nor the Windows calculator are allowed. 将提供废纸.


Students who have 不 completed high school or a GED 必须参加VPT数学考试吗只有特定人群中的一些皇冠体育, 例如那些使用VA或TA福利的皇冠体育或没有其他安置措施的双招生皇冠体育, 必须参加VPT数学考试吗. VPT数学分班考试必须在皇冠博彩的一个测试中心进行.


The practice tests below help students prepare for the VPT Math Placement Test.


特定的团体, 比如使用VA或TA福利的军人皇冠体育,或者没有其他安置措施的双招生皇冠体育, 可能有独特的需求. Advisors can guide you on whether VPT testing is necessary.

For 军事 Students Using VA or TA Benefits:

学校核证主任(SCO) 姓氏范围 电话 电子邮件 位置
特里佩恩 A - F 571.732.2030 tpayne@imtiazqazi.com 潘德3
盖娜汉尼拔 G - L 804.464.8157 dhhannibal@imtiazqazi.com 潘德3
安琪拉索耶 M - R 804.601.8258 asawyer@imtiazqazi.com 潘德3
所有上海合作组织 S - Z militaryservices@imtiazqazi.com 潘德3


双录取 students who do 不 meet 双录取 Admission & 报名标准,请联系 dualenrollment@imtiazqazi.com.


皇冠博彩教师可能会要求亲自监考那些在课堂上错过考试的皇冠体育, students who have a 皇冠博彩 Memorandum of 住宿 (MOA), or 皇冠博彩 Online students with accommodations (instructor permission required). 拥有皇冠博彩住宿备忘录(MOA)的皇冠体育也可以远程监考学院参考测试。.

教师 may submit a proctoring request using this 在线表单 (需要NVCC证书).

Submission of any and all tests must now be made 48 business hours ahead of time.  Additionally, start and end dates will 不 be allowed on weekends.  Any attempts to submit exams outside of these parameters will result in an error, prompting the 教师 member to choose new test dates.

The SDV ABLE考试 is currently being given remotely to eligible 皇冠博彩 students. Students should request the exam by emailing 皇冠博彩testing@imtiazqazi.com.

  • The SDV ABLE考试 is a 90-minute timed test in CANVAS and includes 50 questions.
  • The test requires the Respondus Lockdown Browser.
  • 考试只能考一次.

注:SDV ABLE考试是  与chromebook兼容.